We can appreciate St Louis art just as much as next person, but like most things in life, there is a time and place. If a graffiti vandal has tagged your home or business, we know that your time is valuable and that you don’t want to spend all day scrubbing away unwanted graffiti with no guarantee results. Our experienced St. Louis pressure washers use top of the line equipment for the removal of graffiti almost any type of surface. If you need graffiti removed from your door, walkway, parking lot, garage, driveway, fence, or anywhere else, we can help.
Power Washing Graffiti

If a graffiti vandal has tagged your home or business, we know that your time is valuable and that you don’t want to spend all day scrubbing away unwanted graffiti with no guarantee results.
As an experienced St Louis pressure washer, we are able to remove graffiti from any type of vandalised service whether it be concrete, weed, vinyl siding, brick, and even stone.
Graffiti Pressure Washing
Vandalism and graffiti are ongoing problems in both urban and suburban areas of St. Louis. The appearance of graffiti on building walls, such as buildings, fencing, garages, and the ground is evidence of that.
St Louis’ Grateful Pressure Wash, LLC serves the entire STL metro area. If you need graffiti removed from your home or business, contact us today for a free estimate.